Parents of terrible people. What was the a moment that you realized your child wasn't going to be a good person?

My ex would never allow it. His wife won't even let him talk to me. My daughter is so slick. You would never know there was something up with her.

She screamed her head off for the first 6 months of her life. She would not let me out of her sight for the first year.

Her dad was abusive to me and wasn't nice to her until she was almost 3 and I left him. I guess I always showed her favoritism because she didn't have anyone but me and her big sister. I am very fair to them but I guess I was a little more protective of the middle child. We are moving for my husband's job soon and the court is saying the older girls have to live with their dad. It is scary to me. She acts like her dad. I have often worried about her being with my husband since she has a huge crush on him... Very seductive acting and I think she would accuse him of things. I have warned him of that. That sounds terrible I know but she is so scary.

She is BEAUTIFUL, smart, seems to be very caring when it brings her glory, etc. I have a hard time even saying this and I don't treat her like she is bad but there is something very wrong with her. She has everyone wrapped around her finger. I sound like a terrible mother. I have only recently realized the bigger picture of her behavior.

She seems like a grown woman. A very manipulative and vindictive woman. She has a sense of logic that I didn't know was possible in such a young child. I used to think she was reincarnated. Now I just think she is a genius and has something missing in her conscience.

She has a cruel sense of humor and always has. Her favorite commercial is LifeAlert.

Everyone loves her. She has so many friends. No one would ever know these things. Only my husband and I seem to know. Her older sister sort of knows but she still babies her.

They win awards at school for grades and good behavior. I get compliments constantly about what good girls they are.

She is mean to the cat too. Just to be mean. I keep telling her that cat will eat her alive but she seems to like to get hurt.

She is the most charming child in the world. A therapist would probably say that there is absolutely nothing wrong. I think this will be something that has to be dealt with when she hits puberty. That's when things will get REAL. She will not be so in control. She is just so much smarter than probably anyone I have ever met. One of my friends was a total sociopath and he pointed it out to me. He said he had never met anyone so young that was such a good con-artist.

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