To the party that just votekicked me from Labyrinth of the Ancients for being in Cleric Stance as a Scholar.

I've only gotten crap about cleric stance in sub-50 dungeons. Once was in brayflox normal when i was still leveling, and at that time I was still getting used to judging how much healing a tank was going to need and when to when to best use Cleric. We were doing fine up through the first boss. On the 2nd boss he pulled more than I expected and things got a little hairy. And then he pulled out the extremely original "you're a healer you should heal" line. My response was something like "I just wanted to give you a challenge" or something similar.

The other time was in Dzemael Darkhold, I was a more experienced post-50 whm at this point. After the first two trash pulls - in which I was 100% stance dancing and we did absolutely fine despite the tanks sub-par ability to hold hate... Tank: "Maki" Me: "yes?" /pause Tank: "nevermind." So I'm like okay this tank probably has reservations about my stance dancing but we're doing okay so let's keep rolling.

Boss was no problem that I can remember. But the trash after the 2nd boss...I've always hated this spot, and I was even then very familiar with that little rocky arch where this is very little room to dodge and LOS is limited to a even smaller window, and how nearly ever tank will take the mobs either right below the arch or on the other side near the revenants. And how the frogs will pat right on up to that arch.

I'm dance stancing as I normally would (which was quite conservative at this time - more than 2 mobs on tank = no cleric basically) but I know the frogs are coming, and when i see it I even say in party chat "frogs inc" but the tank doesn't move. And when the frog aggros I drop out of cleric because I know the shit just hit the fan. What usually happens here is that the frogs actually aggro me because of regen, and the tank never gets the frog off me. And what do the frogs do? they suck you in and then drop a hard hitting aoe, and auto attack hard in general. So basically the entire time the tank doesn't have hate, I can't heal because I'm dodging potential 1-2 shots. Can't even heal myself. If the tank doesn't pull hate my only hope is to put the frog to sleep. And well if I can't a cure out, how am I going to get a repose out?

And that's exactly how this encounter plays out. I'm dodging shit, can't heal anything, and finally I see a chance to try sleeping the frog, and I try, but one more auto attack and I am dead. Then wipe.

Tank says "Cleric stance will get us killed" and then rage quits. We immediately get a new tank, who then does that pull sensibly and we do the rest of the instance without any problems whatsoever. I changed nothing.

/r/ffxiv Thread