Does anybody know what is stamped on this label?

It's to very clearly and calmly show the nature of the modern day vinyl sub redditor. This community is nothing but elitist trash who degrade anything anyone loves involving music and music is supposed to be the least judgemental hobby in existence.

People who rather label themselves a sexual predator than not downvote something that is factually correct. You aren't refuting it. The 29 weak, entitled, ego maniac gatekeepers who downvoted the original guy didn't refute what he said because facts hurt feelings and this community of greasy bearded, "audiophile" snobs can't admit they are wrong as they count dust particles on their vinyls more than they actually play them.

This sub and you and everything wrong with vinyl and why so many are either getting discouraged early or not doing it entirely. The crowd that will abuse some 25 yr old college girl for having a victrola suitcase as if we all don't just spin 30 year old pieces of black plastic for fun. Give me a break.

All of you can downvote the reality checks. But you are still getting them. Enjoy.

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