[PC] [H] Lightning Wheels [W] Roadhog XLs

You come in here and hijack my thread and talk all kinds of untrue bullshit on a trade that happens CONSTANTLY... You don't know a single thing about trading or how my deal benefits everyone. Instead you just attack the trade and attack me because you are too stupid to see the value. I don't have issues Im just tired of little shits like you that think they know the ins and outs of trading when they don't know shit. Tired of having to explain simple math to retards every time this trade gets posted on reddit. I post this on discord and I get 5pms almost instantly and have traded this exact trade probably more times than you have even traded in Rocket League. The bottom line is you dont come into someone's trade and immediately start talking shit about how it's not a fair trade when it is COMPLETELY a fair trade. If you don't like the trade then just shut your fucking mouth and move on... I know you probably think you did some valiant thing and saved people but in reality you just made yourself look like a freaking moron who knows nothing about trading.

/r/RocketLeagueExchange Thread Parent