Custody and activities question

Now I am curious ...they are for a fact weekly meetings? He tried to tell me it was bi-weekly and I haven't heard of such a thing for this activity.

Also, please don't take it that I am being negative about girl scouts. I think what they teach young girls is important and builds character and good positive motivations. My issue with it is what I stated that with a half and half order we are to discuss these things and he seems to think no matter what the situation that he is above that. It's an encompassing characteristic that he sees nothing wrong with and that transcends into every facet of his life and hers. Told me he "wants me to disappear". I am not going anywhere lol.

I am not planning to fight this and I understand it's good for her. I actually looked into it last year for her a bit but, she was so far behind in school that I couldn't bring myself to do it. Mind you although we are both single parents it's just me on my end whereas he lives with his parents and they essentially raise her not him. So he has all the help in the world. So while he works late his parents take care of her HW,bath,dinner laundry etc. I don't have that and nights are kinda tight time wise already.

Sorry to ramble to you it's been very difficult for me this past year or so. He and his GF (who did everything) broke up and he went back home. His parents are in another city and instead of changing her school district (which is amazing and has so much support) I had to move above my means to keep her there. Then I seem to be the only one worried for her. He just wants to play around and go to the movies 2-3x per week and go to friends houses every night like a bachelor and drag her around till whatever time at night.

This girl scout situation isn't just one instance it's just yet another. Sadly, my daughter is the one who suffers for it. I just don't think he makes good decisions for her. If things weren't the way they are I wouldn't even think girl scouts or any other activity would be an issue. Kids need to be kids. But, she is so far behind that she needs a tutor not an activity.

Again sorry to ramble on.

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