27T Europe, looking for friends.

We live in a world where you can be surrounded by people, but still feel lonely, with nobody to turn to when things get rough. But being heard is an important part of being human.

That's why One2onetalk was born.

Everyone now and again needs someone to talk to. We offer chat rooms with several different topics for you to choose from and get connected with someone who is having a similar experience. It's anonymous and completely free.

If chat rooms are not what you are looking for One2OneTalk offers a forum where you can ask about anything that you are going through. Whether your issue is depression, anxiety, troubled relationships, isolation due to Covid-19 there are many people that can help you with your questions to find a solution that is right for you. Joining this community is a great way to learn new coping skills and to help you stand in your own power and grow stronger everyday.

/r/MakeNewFriendsHere Thread