Why do people hate vegans? | Life and style

It's not just about eating honey though is it.

Increased use of herbicides and pesticides needed to grow plants on industrial scale arable farms are are killing the bees, the animals that need bees to survive and destroying the pollination process that all apart from Monsanto's tm single use seeds need to propagate. This destroys the entire natural ecology surrounding that farm by about 15 miles from the edge of a single feild. Arable farming is poisoning the planet. It might not be as obvious as intensive beef farming but it's going to fuck the planet just as surly.

Nothing about rearing cattle for slaughter is in the slightest bit friendly to the environment.

So why are you just talking about cattle? That would be like me picking soy or palm oil as the the single reason why non-meat is very bad. Anyway, have you heard of pasture? Those grassy fields they put cows into? Well that shit is actually fairly good for the environment. No slash and burn in the Amazon basin and over cultivation of soy or low quality barley for winter feeds, no green deserts, lots of diversity, no nitrates getting into the water supply, lots of oxygen supply from C02 conversion. Honestly, bar the fact that calorie to calorie it takes twice as much land to grow beef as it does Brockley, it's not so bad when you conceder that the reason why land is pasture is because it's not suitable (flood plain, too steep, poor soil ect) for growing anything else apart from grass. Granted, this doesn't include what's going on in the rest of the world - but as I haven't pitted beef against soy or palm oil neither does my argument (and what ever it is, if it's being grown outside the country and imported - we shouldn't be eating it anyway)

I mean, if you want to eat vegetables that's fine by me, I'm not trying to convert anyone. But please stop telling me that eating vegetables can be good for the environment for reasons X, Y and Z because it's false. If you start by accepting it cannot be good, maybe in the future you can look for ways to reduce your vegetable intake.

Seriously though, I don't have an issue with vegetarians or vegans - just don't use the environment as a way to justify your moral stance.

Just think of the bees.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com