People of Reddit, how did you almost get kicked out of school?

Accidentally "hacked" the school network. It was AP programming, and I was bored. There was a windows messenger service that could send messages to other computers on the network. Problem was, you needed to be an admin/have permission which I didn't. But, I found the API and and wrote a program to hook into the relevant dll. Worked great, except I was and still am a shitty programmer so there was a problem. See, the messages went to every computer on the network and I had no clue. So for around 5-10 minutes I was busy sharing my newly complied file in Borland C++ to everyone in the class, and we were happily sending messages to each other thinking we're hot shit. This is before twitter and facebook, just good ole' AOL Instant Messenger.

Now image teachers getting pop-ups saying "I'm a flying butt monkey, give me your money," "The zombie squirrels are coming to get you," and "Remember Mrs So-and-So, she was HOT!!!" Not exactly NSFW right? Now imagine this is a conservative private religious school, the kind where you wear a tie, go to Mass, and talk about how evil abortion is. I first realized something was wrong when the Dean walked in, followed by the Principal, then school President, then the Brother who personally knew my Grandmother and talked to her twice a week. When they started talking to my teacher and looking at me, I knew I was screwed. My ass was saved by my Math teacher who told them about a program I wrote for some weird math puzzles he called Cryptos, and I spent the next 2 months cleaning the inside of every computer at school during detention.

Grandma wasn't happy. My dad thought it was fucking hilarious. My Mom didn't understand any of it. And the school thinks I was such a great accomplishment of there's I should consider donating to them. To be fair I do get paid to do this stuff nowadays, but I'll never forget how scared I was. I wasn't a rebel or anti-authority, but people thought I was and I constantly got into trouble at that place. So funny now, but not so funny then unless you were one of the other kids in the class laughing at me.

/r/AskReddit Thread