People of Reddit who speak a language they don’t look like they would speak, have you ever had someone talk bad about you in your second language? What happened after?

I've seen this go down in person, in a restaurant. First family appears darker skinned, speaking 100% in Spanish...not a drop of English. Next to them is a black, American family, speaking clear a day, regular English. The black mother walks over to the "Spanish" table, knells down, says "Excuse me...." and then bursts into 100% full speed Spanish like she was born and raised in Mexico. The entire Spanish family had the look of death. After a solid 60 seconds of non stop Spanish to 4 dropped jaws, the black mother stood walk, smiled and returned to her table. The Spanish family, the mother took her 2 kids and walked out. The father stayed but was waving down a server wanting his check. They didn't even finish their meals. They were literally less than half done. So what happened? The black mother explained to her server that the entire Spanish family was making fun of the black family for over a minute, making jokes about monkeys, and how it was odd to see 4 not in a zoo, and not eating bananas. What she said to the Spanish family was that she's a college level Spanish professor, her husband is also a college professor, the names of their children, and how the Spanish table was free to come over and speak with them if they had a problem, or perhaps if they had never encountered a black family before. Put on the spot, that's why 3 of them simply walked out of the restaurant. No apology was given.

/r/AskReddit Thread