People ruining the theater experience

Yes. People should shut the fuck up. At all times. No reason to talk, whisper, laugh out loud - Ok, a hilariously funny moment when everyone has a chuckle...fair enough but who are you if you can't stop yourself making a noise if something mildly funny happens. No eating, certainly not anything that crunches....yes, no matter how slowly and quietly you try to eat those chips, we can hear you. No popcorn - that shit should be banned as a rule, from humanity, not just the cinema. And why in Gods name do you people have to get the last remaining dregs of your drink out of the bottom with your straw. Slurrrp sluurrrrpppp fucking slurrrrrrpppppppppp!!!!!!! AND THEN you crunch the ice cubes! Sorry parents, no babies, or toddlers unless its a suitable movie and it's before midday. Maybe 2 o'clock, I'll be kind. We've all paid (a fairly extortionate price these days) to enjoy a peaceful cenema experience and we don't want chompers, cryers, slurpers, whisperers, laughers and talkers ruining it for us. AND TURN YOUR FUCKING PHONE OFF!!!!!!! Not just on silent. I can see your face lit up like a Christmas tree. Just wait until the end to check your messages. It's two fucking hours. Speaking of which, go to the fucking toilet FIRST. And if you have to go half way through, wait. You're a fucking adult. You have a fairly strong bladder. If you stand up in front of me, I'll be pissed. If you make me stand up so you can get past, I may hurt you. I have demanded my money back in the past and will continue to do so so it is suggested that cinemas take note of my simple guidelines and you'll make more money off me. Oh My God thats feels better.

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