People who have cut family members out of their lives, what was the final straw?

I haven't talked to my dad or my sister for probably 10 years.

My dad moved across the country in the middle of a school semester, leaving me homeless, for a woman he had fond on eharmony and met in person twice. From the time I was in junior high to the time he moved we had an "on again / off again" relationship. He was abusive to me and there'd been a period where, living in the same house, we hadn't talked for the better part of 3 years. So no love lost, really. Him moving was probably the kick in the pants I needed to break a vicious cycle that had been going on with us for a while.

My sister and I had a pretty miserable relationship when I was growing up; we had our moments when we were good to each other but we fought a lot. I wanted to hang out with her and she mostly wanted nothing to do with me. I had a temper problem, mostly because I was taught "anger is the answer" and she had issues with depression.

Things started to turn around when I was in college and she was starting to work. She had a blow-up with my Dad because she was staying out late and he didn't like that (gives a bit of context to how big of a control freak my dad was, considering she was 22ish, out of school, and working full time and he was complaining about her staying out late). Anyways, she moved out, I defended her to my Dad -- which caused a rift in that relationship -- and we genuinely started hanging out and being friends, something I'd always wanted. Well, a few months goes by and she picks up and moves across the country because of her boyfriend. She doesn't make so much as a single attempt to contact me or involve me in her life after she moved, except through my mom to ask for a DVD player that she had given me before she left (which she didn't actually pay for, she had won at some event). The kicker was, basically as soon as she got to where she moved, she started getting in contact with my Dad and they became best buds again. Basically she moved because of my Dad, I stuck up for her, and then she pumped me up, and then discarded me. I was over trying to get her to actually pay any attention to me so I haven't talked to her since (10 years). Not out of malice our hard feeling, there's just nothing really there that's worth pursuing anymore for me. The sad thing is she probably still thinks I got angry at her over a DVD player.

/r/AskReddit Thread