People who have tried to meet someone from the Internet IRL, what happened?

Eesh, I have a good one. When I was about 16 (many years ago) I met a girl on MSN or something, we decided to meet at a local bowling alley and hang out. It was super awkward and we didn't have anything in common, so I made my excuses and left after an hour or so, with her heading back to the train.

Cut to two days later, I'm in the newsagent on the way to school and I see her face on the front page of the local newspaper with the headline "MISSING". I panicked and read the article, she had last been seen 2 hours before we had met, and I was the last person to see her. I call the police and they come to my house to interview me (with my mum), and I'm shit scared that they don't believe me. Get a call that evening to say that she had been found safe, and that she had been staying with a friend. Absolutely terrifying!

First and last time I met someone from the internet.

/r/AskReddit Thread