A person fainted at a military parade

Former Army medic here. One of the best perks of being a medic was that I got out of all kinds of shit by being on the medical coverage detail. The best one was when we had a brigade level change of command ceremony. There was so many stupid ceremonial steps to that damn ceremony that it lasted well over an hour. Plus we obviously had to practice it like 3 times to make sure we all knew how to stand there without moving. The day of the ceremony comes and the whole brigade is out in this big field with no cover from the sun. Those poor souls had to stand out there for over 2 hours because of course everyone gets there 15 minutes early to the 15 minutes early to the 15 minutes early to the 15 minutes early that the time the guy before them was told.

They were stuck out there and I got to stand in the shade of these old tanks that are out there in the field just sipping on cold water. Whenever someone start to get that classic "I locked me knees cause I didn't listen" sway we would run out and bring them back to the tanks. It was a lot of running back and forth, but I would gladly take that every time over actually being stuck in the formation.

/r/youseeingthisshit Thread Link - i.redd.it