[Personal] How do you comfort yourself and treat yourself kindly when your skin is going through a rough patch?

Girl I hear you. Exact same thing. I have (had? Fingers crossed) Acne that just got worse year over year. Legit first time in my life that I've been mostly clear. What gets me through? The gym. And just hanging out with friends doing fun activities like go carting or escape rooms etc. Worst possible thing is to sit alone and stew over it. I also was lucky to have friends I could rant to about my skin. They listened and always recommend products that have worked for them. Do things that get the endorphins going, I fully admit that I wore makeup to the gym. I was THAT self conscious about my skin. But for me it was better to go. It helped a LOT to have something else to put my energy towards.

Another thing I did was actively search for a dermatologist. Took me 3 months. But I found someone I like who has helped my skin. How? I went to my main pharmacies I use and got 10 years of prescription history. Every single doctor i had been to prescribed the same combination of things (antibiotics, some BP Combo cream etc). After I got a printed copy of my prescription history, I then went to 3 dermatologists (Canadian, so it didn't cost anything) that I researched online. They had some of best reviews I could find. Luckily I found ONE that saw how miserable and serious I was about solving this issue. I also walked in with research supported by academic journals on popular drugs. I think she thought I was a obsessed, and I was. The prescription history was by FAR the most helpful, she saw what I had tried and then looked at my skin and took a different approach. I got blood panels done for hormones and everything else. By the time the tests came back she had a concrete treatment plan. And it has a worked this time (so far).

If you are curious before my tests came back, and basically off my prescription history and what I had tried- these were the choices she thought I'd be looking at: (1) Spironolactone (for hormonal acne) + topical + birth control (2) Accutane + topical + birth control (3) change of birth control + topical, a diet change to foods that were not high on the Glycemic Index. Or Keto. The diet change she recommended regardless, I eat a lot more healthy fat foods. (4) supplements (evening primrose oil etc), diet change, topical.

You will find a solution!!! It sometimes just takes a lot more time than we would like -_-

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