“The photo of me and my date went viral after our attack – but only as we’re white, feminine and cisgender. Sympathy and action must be for all”

Sorry to sound like a twat and feel free to post this on baduk, but I'm actually starting to become convinced that they have been waiting this. This is their moment. The "I dont know how we went from sitting down to fighting on the lower deck" story line is now sounding more suspect than ever. I think they saw their moment and ran with it. They were getting cat called and managed to make it into more than it was. And now they're getting paid tens of thousands for tv interviews.

If they we're so outrage by

Many of the outlets publishing my face without permission endorse racist, misogynist and xenophobic platforms and politicians.

then why are they taking money from Daily Mail for interviews?

This whole thing reeks of opportunism.

/r/badunitedkingdom Thread Link - theguardian.com