Photojournalist covering story about a stolen bike comes face to face with thief

Heyyyy Reddit. This is the story, its lengthy, sorry: I went on a ride before work that, which is a very common thing for me to do. I walked in and out my bike downstairs like I do every time I ride before work. The bike was originally in a different location, but things were being moved downstairs, so I moved my bike out of the way and place it where you see it in this video. Because I have done this several times without incident, chaining my bike up inside a locked building was something that never crossed my mind. Also, carrying a lock on a road bike, to my knowledge is not a common practice. The door the guy walked in is usually locked during business hours and is an employee only door. It is also an exit which is visible from the street that runs behind the building. Many employees leave out of that, it is supposed to lock back when someone exits, but for some reason it did not, which is how the guy got in. As I was leaving work that night I walked downstairs to get my bike, it was gone and the back door was locked. I initially thought one of my coworkers was playing a joke on me or something, but as I found out that was not the case. I looked all over to store and it was no where to be found. That night I got online and filed a police report. The next morning when I came into work my boss checked the surveillance footage and saw the guy taking my bike. But! about 30 minutes before he took it, you can see someone pulling on the door trying to get in, but it was locked at the time. An employee left and then shortly after the thief came back, walked in, and walked out with my bike and climbing shoes. I recorded the segment of the surveillance footage on my phone and posted it to social media in hopes of finding out who this guy was, my work and coworkers did the same. Later on in my shift, Fox4 called asking to talk to me, which is how the story came to be. I only wanted my bike back, which is the reason I agreed to an interview. I was not expecting to see my bike again, or to find it in a second hand sports store months down the line. I put a lot of time and energy into training and coming up with money for gear and entry fees, without my bike all of that was useless...So, that's why I put so much effort into trying to track down my bike. Fox came out to Denton, did the interview and left to go talk to local bike shops, pawn shops, anywhere I thought it could be. Less than 2 hours after I left, they called me saying they had my bike and shoes. Initially, I didn't plan to press charges, because I wanted to believe the best in this guy. I was very thankful he seemingly did the right thing. When I got home and began to check my bike over, I noticed some identifying stickers on my bike had been peeled off, my computer and some of my components had been messed with. I realized then that this guy had every intention of selling my bike, and he returned because he got caught. Which honestly upset me, here I thought "wow, he had a change of heart! Realized what he did was wrong, and wanted to make it right." I reluctantly decided to go through with pressing charges. Yes, I got my things back, but they shouldn't have been stolen to begin with. Initially, I wanted him to maybe do some community service, but come to find this is not the first time he's stolen from individuals. He has done this not once, not twice, but multiple times. That coming to light kind of changed my tune a little...I do not want this guy stealing from anyone else, so if that's "uncool," or whatever, then I am sorry you feel that way. What happens to him is out of my hands. I am very thankful to those who help me get my bike and shoes back. I sincerely hope the best for the man who stole from me. I hope he turns his life around and learns something from this, just as I have.


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