Maga rally shouts "destroy the GOP"; retweeted by Sam

Oh it was a “dead heat or a slight den lead” was it? Is that was the polls were showing? Is that what the New York Times and Washington Post were printing?

Yeah, they were showing a slight dem lead in TEXAS.
They were showing a dead heat rin MONTANA.
It was fucking +17 in Wisconsin.

The Democrats won. Why are you trying to rationalize it now? Just take your win, but don’t fucking pretend that it was always a toss up. No it was not a toss up. Every single “poll” had Biden sweeping the floor with Trump, and a toss-up is what we got in the end.

We had to put up with five years of lies and gaslighting from the Democrats and the mainstream media. At least stop gaslighting yourself, for crying out loud.

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