Plant-covered apartment building in fall.

SCP-8271-J Containment Class: Keter Disruption Class: Vlam
Risk Class: Warning

Special Containment Procedure: The plant should be removed as soon as possible although no known method has completely removed the plant. Any full removal attempts require all tenants to be fully evicted before attempting removal in order to avoid an SCP-8271-R-2 event.

Routine maintenance with keeping the plant clear from windows, entrances, and exits. This does not appear to trigger an SCP-8271-R-2 event.

Only D-Class personnel are allowed to be tenants in the affected building. Tenants within the building must close all windows and doors and ensure tenants cannot view outside during full moon prior to midnight unless instructed otherwise.

Tenants are under not to attempt lucid dreaming in hopes of manipulating an SCP-8271-J-1 event unless instructed to by the land lord.

Description: SCP-62719-J appears to be a type of climbing plant that is growing along an apartment building located in Jyväskylä Finland. Initial analysis that this plant belongs to the [DATA EXPUNGED] family of plants.

The plant is only anomalous on days when a full moon is to be expected and exhibits two known events named SCP-8271-J-1 and SCP-8271-J-2.

SCP-8271-J-1 - This event occurs every night on the full moon upon reaching midnight within the local time zone. When the event happens, every tenant that that is looking outside will be transported into a dream universe anywhere from 7 hours to several year (and possibly longer). Those that have experienced it describe it as a forced coming of age journey where it feels as if something is guiding them to an answer they wish to seek. These people are unable to leave until they've completed the journey after which they will wake up in their bed the following morning regardless of how long their dream has lasted. Those that have experienced the dream for multiple years are able to describe that they had effectively lived a second life within the dream and can recount details as if it were real to them. These dreams do not pose a threat to the person experiencing them and are often described in a positive light such as "soul-searching".

SCP-8271-J-2 - If an attempt to fully remove the plant happens before the full moon, the plant will regrow during the full moon through an unknown process. All tenants of the building at that time as well as anyone attempting to document or record the regeneration process will enter into a nightmare state for 8 hours which the person must survive by any means necessary. Only a proper eviction from the building as well as not attempting to observe the regeneration process will ensure the person does not experience this event. Unlike SCP-8271-J-1, this nightmare state is constant and shared between those affected and they can meet and team up within the nightmare state. Deaths have been recorded by others and those that die in the nightmare state will also die in real life appearing as though they had silently passed while sleeping. Those that have experienced it have described the nightmare as a summation of the deepest fears that everyone experienced combined.

Addedium-1: Lucid dreaming is not to take place unless instructed. After [DATA EXPUNGED] where D-1382 was requested to lucid dream in order to find the answer on how to destroy SCP-682. D-1382 completely vanished unlike other tenants during an SCP-8271-J-1 event and has yet to reappear. At the time of this writing, D-1382 has been missing for 9 years.

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