Plastering "this affects trans men too!" over the abortion rights marches feels like saying "white people get shot by cops too!" at a BLM march.

but cis men arent marginalized!!!

When it comes to access breast cancer and breast cancer awareness? Yes they are. Are they a marginalized group in every single setting? No, but there definitely is a few.

You're the definition of what dumbass right-wingers think we are "ugu uwu i'm a minority - my opinion more valid in every topic. You evil cis-het white men are all the problems for everything in the whole word since time began so no matter the topic you need to stfu uwu ugu!!"

While there is a lot to be said about cis-het white men and how much control they have over our lives...c'mon. You've gone so 'progressive' and 'protec minorities at all costs' to such a level that you've just become the bigot you claim you fight against. Holy shit, congrats.

/r/honesttransgender Thread Parent