Playing with people who don't know how to play can be stressful, I did 4 gens and no one else even touched one

So why are you bitching about it exactly? Look at your BP and look at theirs. You got rewarded they didn't so how does that affect you? Cause you had to do all the work? So what? More work for you which means more BP.

I've had numerous games just like this where I have 25K+ BP and the other survivors haven't even scratched 5K and the killer is lucky to surpass 10K but I don't take screenshots and post it. I'm sure tons of other people do the same, but again we don't post it.

In conclusion, this looks like not only a way to complain about shit that doesn't even affect you, but it's also a brag post. Well done... You earned 23K BP. We hope you thoroughly enjoy the 4 nodes that it opens up on your bloodweb.

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