Plumbers, delivery guys, doctors, or people in any other line of work usually portayed in porn, what is the closest situation you have ever been to which could lead as an opening to a porn plot?

I'm a woman; used to deliver pizza back in college in the late 90s. I was delivering to a kinda run down apartment building, on the second floor. I ring the bell, and I can hear a guy yell through the door, "Hey, pizza guy's here, grab the money, will you?"

The door opens, and an older guy, maybe late 40s, is standing there. He looks me up and down, and says excitedly, "Oh, it's a pizza girl!" I see his wife digging through her purse for her wallet in the background. "Hey," he says, gesturing behind him, "me and my wife were just about to have some fun, y'know, in the bedroom. You wanna join us?"

His wife looks up in horror and is like "Frank, no!" She rushes over, apologizing, elbows him out of the way, and stuffs some money in my hand. It's like 8$ over, so I ask her how she wants her change, and she says "No, no. You just... keep it."

I ask her if she's sure, because that was probably twice the amount of the more generous tips you'd get back then in that area. She insists, I thank her, we're both ignoring her husband clamoring behind her. I leave, and as I'm walking down the stairs, I hear him calling out "Pizza girl, wait!"

I don't.

I walk across the parking lot, he's still calling out "Pizza girl, come back!" as his poor, embarrassed wife is trying to drag him inside. I managed to wait till I got in the car to burst into laughter.

/r/AskReddit Thread