Plumbers, delivery guys, doctors, or people in any other line of work usually portayed in porn, what is the closest situation you have ever been to which could lead as an opening to a porn plot?

Do office workers count? I mean, some porn takes place in the office, right?

When I was younger, there was an older lady who seemed to have a crush on me (constantly complimented me). I thought she was attractive, and honestly, she had a great body. But, I also thought I was imagining things.

Our office was a small satellite office and sometimes she and I were the only ones there because other people were traveling or had the day off.

I had an L-shaped desk (two desks placed in an L shape, really). One time, I'm working on my computer, and she goes to the part of the desk at my side. She lies down there on her side, and props up her head with one hand.

Being the dork that I was, I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing. She eventually left, lol.

/r/AskReddit Thread