Poor Gordon

God, the number of times I was called Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee, as an insult. You just don't understand unless you've lived it. Many people's idea of Asians are very static and monolithic and come from media.

George Takei, on Star Trek, a show that's well known for being progressive for its era? Showing interracial kissing on screen in a time when that sorta thing was still largely frowned upon. Asian men and black women in positions of power.

Or Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, who despite being very talented and skilled and amazing in what they do, their names are used like insults to bully Asian teen boys. Like, Apu from the Simpsons. Apu is a small business owner, responsible, and a great character overall, but that doesn't stop ignorant idiots from calling every South Asian, "Apu" as if its an insult.

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