Poor Kids Are Just As Talented

You know what, I don’t care what the full quote is because Reddit never cared what the full Trump quotes were.

Joe is racist AF. He is a crooked career politician who has failed upwards his whole life and now he’s driving America into the ditch. He refuses to accept any accountability and immediately lies or blame shifts anytime someone tries to hold him to account. I loathed Trump, but at least the guy knew how to run things. Joe messes up the simplest thing and the response is always “It’s not my fault”, “There’s nothing I can do”, “I’m sick of the American people blaming me, they are too stupid to understand how I am helping them.” Well the thing wasn’t broke until you started fucking with it you moron. And picking Kamala as VP is almost as embarrassing as having Trump represent us on the world stage. She is the most unequipped and cringe politician to ever have their name in a ballot.

Our country will always be shit when we elect morons like this. Rant over.

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