Is It Possible To Be Effective In Late Game PVE With A Situational Playstyle?

PVE DPS is a very numbers game. There's theoretical things that'll just be better than others, and things that will not be great, like what you're trying to do. Stacking DOTs/debuffs until the next best DOT/debuff is less DPS than a spammable is basically how PVE DPS works.

It'll, however, to answer your question, be fine for most of the games vet dungeons. There are DPS checks but most are fairly simple to achieve, and neither (that I can currently think of) are the flat out "not enough dps everyone dies immediately" bam boom pow kind. Maybe one person dies, or maybe more adds spawn until it becomes uncontrollable, or you run out of places to stand. Non-DLC vet dungeons, mostly ok. DLC vet dungeons, mostly ok on non-HM and even some HMs (vICP, vCoS, probably vWGT). Vet Craglorn trials, pretty ok too. Vet DLC trials, not really no.

Also, maybe a Magicka Nightblade will suit you. Their DPS comes from managing DOTs, yes, but there's no fixed rotation, and it's more about a priority list as to what to let fall off and what to reapply and when. They're also really flashy and fast and cool, so there's that.

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