Babysitters of Reddit, have you ever had a babysitting moment that made you say "fuck this, I quit"? If so, what was it?

The kid was twelve and very very overweight. He had to have been sixty or seventy lbs more than he should've been. That day he ate a really bad combination of foods; junk on top of junk on top of junk. I knew he'd get sick and lo and behold he shat his pants while I was watching him. I wasn't going to touch it so I got him some clothes and instructed the kid to go to the laundry room and remove his clothes to put in the dryer, take a towel and go up to clean himself up. After he did and got dressed he had to clean up the bit of crap on the floor, which he obliged to. I gave him the "there's nothing to be embarrassed about talk" but he looked uncomfortable so I dropped it. He went to his room and that was that. When his parents got home they got in a one-sided screaming match with me and told me that I should've done the laundry and cleaned the shit from the floor. Mind you he's twelve. The parents started accusing me of making him feel bad about his weight which I fucking did it. The poor kid was still upstairs probably embarrassed out of his mind. I stopped babysitting for them after that day.

/r/AskReddit Thread