A Petition to NBN CEO that Australians DO want a Super-Fast Broadband

Hopefully this makes a bit of noise.

I'm starting to think though, isn't it time we started a class action lawsuit?

All of that money wasted. For example Labor NBN paid Telstra $10Bn to own the pits. Then they put the ex-Telstra CEO in and he negotiates that money to own the rotting copper instead, plus $100Bn in repairs and pit rental over 30 years. Or the $3Bn for Optus HFC that they've now just dumped despite experts telling them this from the start.

The decisions made constantly that are so clearly not in the public interest.

Can we sue them for professional negligence? Would morrow be liable?

Can we sue a minister or PM? For making knowingly fraudulent statements with real damages?

The damages are very real. At the very least it's the extra billions the project has cost because they dismissed expert advise. There's also the extra money this is costing citizens vs the cost of fibre in comparable countries (see CVC charge and what ISPs feel about it). And there's the very real opportunity costs of companies not investing here are making business more difficult for tech companies due to slower upload speeds.

I'd estimate there could be damaged of at least $5k per citizen.

Am I off the rails here? Or could it be feasible?

/r/australia Thread Link - change.org