Fox News never ceases to make my brain explode.

While I don't agree with it I could shed some light on this. In most cases it stems from religious backgrounds, hence why it's fairly common in rural and predominantly black communities (general observation, not fact). It's based on the general the man is the hunter/provider and the women the homemaker.

Along these lines it's considered emasculating to challenge the man's authority. "Let him be a man, let him lead" sort of ideology. To suggest that it's simply chauvanistic in nature is imo misrepresentational of a wider issue. Many women carry this view as well, that a "strong" dominant man must lead. This idea is harmful in ways that I assume most people here understand.

However I think moving forward we must make a conscientious effort to highlight this under reported issue.

I'm sorry if this came across ranty, it's not directed at you. I'm just somewhat concerned that people are so willing to attribute this solely on men. This ideology isn't gender specific even if it is more prevalent per one side. Women who teach this as acceptable to their daughters and encourage this from sons are one rung lower in ladder of causality. Women like the author of the article are very much a problem as well as chauvenists men.

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