Is it possible that Netflix is paying for good critical reviews?

Hello there kind person.

I tuned into Jessica Jones for 'brain junk food' and nothing more. It does mildly satisfy that, but I personally don't find it exciting as expected, and the general concept of the villain is something I remember from before, I can't remember where, the first Men in Black movie possibly...

You're right, I haven't mentioned some of the groundbreaking content Netflix has to offer...I did watch a couple episodes of OITNB but I didn't connect with it, I think because I had only just finished watching Oz when Orange first aired, so perhaps I wasn't mentally able to accept the prison as more of a lighthearted, female-centric environment.

In my opinion, Bojack Horseman is the best thing that Netflix has produced -- it feels most like the cutting edge, post-modernistic output I would expect from the medium.

However, House of Cards had a great, compelling first season, but to me season 2 became a little laboured and soap-operatic, and I never continue watching season 3 after the fact they gave all the screen time to very monotonous side characters.

I did not know that Reddit hates Transparent... I myself did not expect to like it, but I came to it a while after release and simply found Jeff Tambor to be quite the revelation in that role. Also I found it moving, which is one factor that clouds ones judgement of television, when there's some factor that invokes relatability.

If you're talking Amazon, yeah, I was very into Mozart in the Jungle, I liked it very much. Again, I connected on a more emotional level with the show and think it generally worked well as both entertainment and art. We probably have some viewing preferences in common, while most other people are satisfied with Narcos because obviously it's just tres cool at the moment, at a time where Pablo fucking Escobar is being comically glorified.

I never watched Daredevil.

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