Older generations of Reddit, who were the "I don't use computers" people of your time?

I'm training in a Canadian high school. Kids can barely write in full sentences by grade 12, let alone spell with autocorrect on.

One of the kids called me out when I said I could outpace them in typing vs. their smartphone with full accuracy. It wasn't pretty.

Math is on a decline too. Fast addition and multiplication has been replaced with calculators, and it takes longer for them. I keep telling my students that "you may have a calculator in your pocket at all times now, so I can't use my old math teacher's words; however, I can tell you that you really don't want to be that guy who is at the front of the line trying to count change with a calculator."

The witty one in the class always says something like "that's what credit cards are for." I just tell them "good luck if you plan on traveling. Bills only in many places still, and those ones count in thousands sometimes."

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent