Be prepared - Racism is a worldwide problem and too many people deny/downplay it around the world.

Don't let it get you down. The problem isn't that everyone is this or that. I've noticed that outside the US people are more reserved in situations so the assholes don't have people telling them to STFU. I've got random friends from all over the place so when I travel, I'm usually the only American in a group. Anytime some insult or rude comment about any demographics is overheard, everyone shoots a look at me. Any comment. I'm white but if it's a racist statement, something about LGBTQ, something about Americans, something about another nationality entirely. Rocking the boat is something that is discouraged in a lot of places but it doesn't mean that they agree or won't go out of their way to show that they aren't all like that. Everyone has the same percentage of assholes as anywhere else. How each handles their assholes differs.

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