WCGW if you make a homemade bomb

They can also be a great place for people of all ages, race, gender - to exercise, do their sports, express creativity. it gives people a creative outlet for their visual arts, it gives young ones somewhere to go so they're not damaging public property ... you know, kids being kids. Gets people actively involved in their community, participating in healthy sports. No teams. No associations. No bs. You've obviously never spent time at a skate park, and it kinda got my goat that you said it breeds trouble. I only see skateparks as a positive thing in the community, I mean, there's new ones built every day. Cities and councils have weight up the costs / benefits. Basically, just trying to inform you that skate parks are good, but if you doubt my word, put some safety gear on and go down for a skate or ride yourself, and have fun!

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