Pretty sure these people live in the apartment above me

There is so much misinformation in this single post that its astounding.

They're a separate group from the Sunni (associated with Saudis) and Shia (associated with Iran)...these guys are considered by others to be their own separate sect of Islam.

No they're not, Sufism is considered to be the inner mystical dimension of Islam, literally trying to achieve closeness with God, which is an important concept in mainstream Islam regardless of ideological divisions around Fiqh and Hadith.

[All Sufi orders trace many of their original precepts from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib, with the notable exception of the Sunni Naqshbandi order who claim to trace their origins through the first sunni Caliph, Abu Bakr. Sufi orders are largely Sunni and follow one of the four schools of Sunni Islam and maintain a Sunni Aqidah or creed. Over the years various Sufi orders have been influenced by and adopted into various Shi'ite movement

Muslims and mainstream scholars of Islam define Sufism as simply the name for the inner or esoteric dimension of Islam which is supported and complemented by outward or exoteric practices of Islam, such as Islamic law. In this view, "it is absolutely necessary to be a Muslim" to be a true Sufi, because Sufism's "methods are inoperative without" Muslim "affiliation". Orthodox views also maintain that Sufism is unique to Islam.](

Sunni (associated with Saudis) and Shia (associated with Iran)

Sunni and Shia far predate the relatively modern nation-states of Saudi Arabia and Iran. If you are referring to origin, then both technically originated in what was at the time Arabia. Furthermore, Sunnis and Shias span the globe and are not limited to or defined by Saudi and Iran. The country with the highest numbers of Muslims is not even in the Middle East, its in Southeast Asia

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