Prince Buster This Is A Hold Up

I'm sure you are like me in that certain songs- is standards too pompous at term to use- will always be reasonably close by in at least one easily playable form. Within 5 feet I have the CD version of FAB Greatest Hits and I have my original vinyl that I first heard it on. I tend to save the vinyl now for special occasions. I remember moving from Fife to London in 1988 and being almost overwhelmed by the variety of ska I was discovering. I had started as a Specials/Madness/2Tone fan until an Indian friend in a bedsit in Dundee City Centre introduced me to the Prince. Now, maybe, it's the turn of the likes of you and I to help out the younger fans. Not by nagging or by slagging off newer stuff but by exposing them to stuff that might otherwise have passed them by. If I can get one or two looking at the older stuff and talking about it I'll be a bit further towards paying off my debt to Gursh Sangha for playing me those scratched to fuck tapes and singles. The music caught my heart and shows no signs of letting go anytime soon.

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