Looking to lose weight I am 5'2 and weight 130. I'm looking to get to 110 ish. (Female)

After I totally stopped working out, I got up to around 120 at the same height.

To get back in shape, I started with running. I actually didn't run at the gym, I ran outside. I would just time myself - walk a minute, then run 5 minutes, walk a minute, run 5 minutes. After a week, I went down to walking 30 seconds between the 5 minute runs. After a week of that, I just ran until I hit a mile. I run about 2 miles a day now in addition to lifting weights. I ended up losing way more than expected (got way lower than I wanted to, or what I see is healthy for my height) and started having to add in snacks during the day.

Once you start a cardio routine, lose the sugary drinks, and start being conscious of what you're eating, it will get a lot easier. Start buying salads to make at home, fruit - even dried fruit, and yogurt.

The thing is, if you're just looking to lose weight and not a total body rebuild, you just have to eat better and workout more. That means if you usually eat chips and salsa for a snack while watching a movie at home, exchanging that for popcorn or even a healthy option cereal is going to be better for you. When you go out to eat, instead of getting the fries as a side, get the steamed veggies. Drink more water. And start tracking your calories on MyFitnessPal.

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