Senate approves sanctions against Russia for meddling in presidential election, other abuses

The right would just grow to hate the left even more for removing Trump, the left to hate the right over Russia. Street brawls would become worse, polarization would reach record levels. Countries would laugh at us, and we'd lose out to many countries like China and Russia on many foreign deals. The Dems would push for greater and greater acts against Russia, anything short of war, which in the long term would just push Russia even more towards conflict.

Russia has next to nothing to lose, honestly. They hate us already, hating us more won't do jack. They're probably betting on all this, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were Russians leaking all this info to us, to further divide us and make us peruse even greater aggression against them. Eventually enough bad blood will boil for the Russians to use it all as convenient casus belli for an energy boycott or maybe even war.

Just my two cents. IMHO it won't end good, likely entailing either China, Russia, or both becoming dominant powers (not good for democracy and all that) and the EU becoming a non-entity (all it would take is Russia boycotting their markets, and soon Greece, Italy, and others would fall into their hands). As for America, who knows. A civil war has been long overdue.

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