Gunman opens fire on GOP congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Va., injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and others

24/7 smear campaign by the media. How about trump's 5 year smear campaign against Obama. You are so blatantly brainwashed and when I hear the RIGHT (since you seem to like labels) focus blame on the media - that one single person can't possibly view Trump as bad and come to that conclusion based on what they have seen and heard from HIM, not some cable news host, I am disgusted. You can think he's the best thing since sliced bread, and I can think he is the worst thing to ever happen to this country. I can turn around and say the SAME thing to you / that the 24 hour RIGHT WING news cycle that you so obviously follow has BRED your LOVE for trump and hatred for the msm. You don't see him as an awful person because the "news" you choose to follow only feeds you lies and has you believing the left wing msm is to blame and that dummies (like me) eat this shit up. Well, flip that coin, and we have you as the dummy. Stop listening to and repeating the right wing points of view. It really gets old.

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