My husband [33M] agreed to go on a guy's trip that we've always planned to on together. I'm [33F] pretty upset about it and he thinks I'm being unreasonable. Am I?

We share finances, it's our money he would be spending. And yes, it was my car, but we both bought the new one. It was my car purely because of the fact that the car I was given at 16 (that was already old) lasted this long and it didn't make since to just go out and buy new cars the second we got married for the sake of having joint cars. Our name is now on both of our cars, since we bought his car 2 years ago. I'm the one that drives it daily, but it is absolutely his car, too - just as much as his car is mine.

It's not like I just said, "Sorry babe, can't do it this year." We both sat down, went over the pros and cons, and jointly decided that the trip wouldn't work this year. He had his reasons, I had mine. Some were big reasons, some were very small. Then this chance came up and suddenly he wants to go again and "we can make it work after all." To fuck all we can. In that case why can't I go to Europe? Why doesn't he stay home while I solo backpack the shit out of Europe?

Not to mention, this isn't some weekend get away. If I got sick or bogged down with work before we planned to drive up to the wine country for a weekend I'd tell him absolutely to grab some friends and have fun. But this is Europe. For 3 weeks. A trip that was supposed to be our honeymoon. I feel it's a bit different.

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