Private Pilot's License from Purdue Pilots Inc. Is there a fixed semester plan or is it flexible?

Yes, it's possible to get a PPL through PPI, provided you have the money on hand. My advice to you is to cram all your flying and studying time in as short of a time frame as possible in order to save on cash- the longer you drag it out, the more expensive it gets.

Although I suspect the 17/18 credit hour semesters aren't going to help you out much unless you have plenty of free time on the weekends... That, plus most of PPI's planes have their slots booked full during those times. You'll have to really weasel an eye on the ball to land a reasonable slot.

My advice to you is this- if you're truly passionate about aviation, you'll find a way. If you want the most efficient plan for the cost, PPI's the best way to go due to shared fees and dues amongst all the members, allowing for the upkeep and maintenance of their three planes without there being a significant burden on contributions.

That being said, it's incredibly hard to get flight time without booking six months in advance, as I mentioned earlier. Club membership spiked by a massive margin last semester, and everyone's scrambling to get their hands on the sticks. It's gotten so bad that leadership is looking into a fourth plane to mitigate the issue.

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