Pro-life in a nutshell

abortion has nothing to do with Satan

That's why I said to replace "Satan" with "force you think is behind evil in this world."

God isn't real either

Then replace "God" with "what you think is responsible for good in this world, e.g. morality. That doesn't change the fact that mothers should be the first and last to care about their kids and definitely never the ones to cut them up and suck them out with a shop-vac.

killing a fetus is okay because it's not a person

fetuses don't have rights

So you'd take no issue if someone ate a fetus? What about kept it in a glass jar for admiration purposes? Strung it up like a decoration; is that okay because it's not a human and doesn't have rights?

stop forcing what you think is right on everyone else

As soon as people stop forcing scissors into the wombs of infants and then sucking them up limb by limb with a shop-vac, sure.

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