The Problem With Being an Attractive Femme Lesbian

This reminded me of this article. it's about sexual assault but it touches on what you've mentioned, reading it was a light bulb moment for me over feeling like there was something wrong with me because people would express their interest but any genuine enthusiasm seemed missing

I think it was extra weird for me, because I'm a trans woman. I got some amount of attention for being an attractive man but between having spent my entire life hating my body and the general invisibility of men, emerging into the world and being treated like a beautiful woman was shocking. I could never have believed that trans women could be considered beautiful to begin with, much less that the dice would come up that way for me. It was intoxicating for approximately three months until a night spent with a couple fawning over me that I couldn't get away from fast enough put my mind on a different track.

/r/actuallesbians Thread