"The Professional"

I understand players can be hard to find at times in some situations. The good players and DMs stay put if they have good games already and can be harder to find in the wild.

I also understand second chances if someone had a bad day (once. Only once unless you are a solid, anchor player with me for months/years)

But someone who would not engage the party session one, leaves and says "FUCK YOU", and does not apologize or intend to follow up yet YOU pursue him to be asked back?

This horror story is on you guys.

You've paid your tuition in the hobby. If someone says "fuck me" and I am DM, I take them up on it. I kick them. No remorse nor animosity. But unless they (not me) come back to me with a VERY convincing sob story they can pull out of their ass and my players agree, they are GONE. Good luck with MMOs or your next game. It will not be mine.

Be glad this was online and not at your house or at a convention or game store. Then again, the internet and being anon turns people into sociopathic jerks at times.

/r/rpghorrorstories Thread