Am I naive? Does this guy not want me in his group and is too chicken to say it out loud or is he just inconsiderate?

Well I would say I only have one issue the misgendering, personally vomiting is disgusting I don’t care if your in another state somewhere if you tell me over chat, I’m vomiting or say hey guys I just threw up, and you missing rolls in chat because your actively sick, I’m gonna advise to you to stop playing and just go be sick. It’s okay, I have a rule at my table that makes it very easy for a player to miss a week and we have a very large party so I can usually still make it work if 1-2 have to miss a session. Now I have players who are transgender at times I occasionally say the wrong gender but I apologize I every time and also my player is comfortable with when I do it usually because I’m talking very fast and a bit stoned mid session they correct me real quick shout out the right pronoun and I apologize and will correct my statement I have 8 players so it can be a bit of a mind jumble and my player is very forgiving of my occasional blunders for which im very thankful. But I would say give em a chance cause your active vomiting is a very valid reason to ask you to leave the table real or virtual

/r/rpghorrorstories Thread