Player Believes They Are Owed The Potential To Do Literally Anything

My first time ever playing DnD(this year 5e homebrew) the dm wanted a pokemon them. I was down plus first time ever playing bet. We had 5 players total so dm split the group's into 2 I was in a group with one other guy who was new too. He kept getting mad bc I would ask of he wanted to catch whatever Pokemon we were battling before I did. He always said no. So every Pokemon I came across I caught.

I ended up getting a Machamp. Level 11 I think or 10 i don't recall. Anyway I break away from the other new guy bc he was mad I kept capturing the Pokemon instead of fainting them. So I go to explore a cave system on the map and get ambushed by the villains of the campaign( like team rocket's Jessie and James). We roll and I go first. First roll Nat 20. Second roll Nat 20. At this point im excited and freaking out bc my move I was going to use was karate and I believe it was a 3D6. Well I roll another Nat 20.

The dm is getting mad and tells me to roll again so I do. Nat 20. I have 4 Nat 20's and about to roll again and he tells me my Pokemon has to make a perception check. I fail the check bc I needed a 27 and no possible way I could pass. He tells me my Machamp is pinned under a boulder that he can't lift even with perfect strength check.

Im pissed. I was bout to 1 shot the baddies and go about my business. I loose the battle bc the Pokemons he made up had 0 weakness and were 4 levels higher then mine all of a sudden.

All 3 of my Pokemon faint. Im pissed I tell him I grab my pick axe and charge towards them to swing for kill. Im successful. Killed both and stop their Pokemon and went back to town. He has the police investigate me. I lie my ass off to keep my license and keep going.

Next session comes up and he wanted to introduce magic into the game and everyone was against it but the other new guy. We all left and I haven't played since. I enjoyed playing it. I actually started looking into DnD lore for when we got to an actual campaign. But sadly never happened and I haven't played DnD since then. All my friends say it's stupid and nerdy and isn't fun. So that's where im at rn on my DnD experience

/r/rpghorrorstories Thread