ProTip: Get it in writing that the babyclothes/gear are yours to keep.

Ugh, I was just going to post a rant about this! My friend gave me TONS of clothing, toys, and other stuff--stuff that I totally would have bought myself if she wasn't getting rid of hers--and asked that when I'm done with it I pass it on to someone else so it doesn't end up in a landfill. Okay, no problem. We plan on having a second kid so I have just been boxing it all up and throwing it in the garage, since, you know, I'm not fucking done with it yet. At first we were reluctant to utilize so many hand me downs for our first kid, since it felt a little less special than picking stuff out ourselves, but she was insistent and we decided that saving the money would be really helpful.

Well, now one of her closest friends is pregnant and she actually asked me for the stuff back so she could give it to her! I was totally flabbergasted. It might sound petty, but I would have picked out my own nice, new stuff for my first baby if I knew I was going to have to buy it all eventually and that I wasn't going to be saving money in the long run. Besides that, I don't fucking have time to go through my shit and sort out what she gave me from what we bought or received as gifts. I'm sorry. I never would have accepted this crap with those stipulations!

When she asked for the exersaucer back I and told her that we planned to hang on to it for #2, she actually told me to give it to her friend and ask for it back later. Um, no.

I'm being a dick and only giving up a few things that weren't particularly useful. The whole thing pisses me off and I don't have time for that shit. I had previously told her that I had given some stuff to my sister-in-law so I can't get it back, which is true, but I'm just not going to go into depth about how much. I just hope that in a couple of years when future spawn 2 shows up on instagram wearing her son's old shit it doesn't damage our relationship.

/r/breakingmom Thread