PSA: REI Anniversary Sale Coming 5/20-5/30

REI is one of the worst companies to work for. Stritzke is a criminal of highest order, who came from Victoria's Secret, one of the major companies that has used SLAVE PRISON labor, yes, you read that right...they used to use southern prison labor, now they just use Chinese slaves, just like REI does. And North Face as well.

We just saw the explosion on the net last black Friday of the in-store floor staff, none of whom can get enough hours to make a living, as this cretin of a CEO tried to act all holier than thou and above the materialistic nature of Xmas, as if he doesn't live every second of his life as the worst kind of materialist and profiteer off of other's sweat. So yeah, he gave the weekend off, and in November no less, but not the Wednesday before or the Monday after, so a corporate employee could actually have a vacation somewhere warm, like this guy does half the year. What a complete hypocritical insensitive jerk. Lying sack of dirt wearing Ranger Friendly outdoor wear. Meanwhile, corporate employees watch their vacation vaporize, since it can never be taken.

Getting enough hours isn't a problem for the salaried employees at REI, however. Your life is over in this nuthouse. Bow to E. Doud, and all the other directors, or lose your place in their petty little entitled circles, where the slave protects the master from responsibility, and the director protects the employee from the untermenschen who is actually competent, and does their job properly.

However, that salve ends up doing the work of the director as well (and then has that credit taken by the director), who is incompetent and has never known the basics of HER ACTUAL JOB, nor does their circle of palace favorites, who take all the vacation, while the other workers, without the rugrats, do all the labor.

It's only so typically US corporate. Just don't imagine that ridiculous line REI spins about being ANY different from Cabella's or just some average rural outfitters store where jeeter shops. Honestly, why are you going to this dump to shop for gear you can get elsewhere for half?

They don't CARE ABOUT ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES!!! GET IT YET? The only saving grace is the moronic executives are so bent on expansion to project and protect their ambitious 'visions' (as if opening more stores is vision) that this whole pile of vapors is likely to impode in on itself, and crush the loser executives under a pile of their own waste.

/r/frugalmalefashion Thread