PSA: Skolas Strategy for weeks without Solar Burn modifier

@ Kortemy + a few other guys who read this and messaged me on PSN:

Unfortunately, it seems I've already deleted the game from my hard drive.

Now - playing since launch to late February, never getting one weapon (GHorn) - I had to make do with what I had which was knowledge and experience.

I was often a raid leader in VOG/CE. I was often volunteering for the toughest assignments (relic holder in VOG, swordbearer on Crota). I was just happy guiding numerous groups and writing guides to help out the community.

When POE came out and I hit the wall that was Skolas - it disappointed me. From friends who refused to help, to randoms who only wished to do the fight with people who have one specific weapon.

My capabilities as a single player did not matter - RNG/Loot Drops determined if I could experience the game's hardest content.

And even though some people were kind enough to bring along a non-GHorn user such as myself, and even though I was able to test everything possible for this fight - it did not matter.

Far too often - I spent hours looking for a group on LFG websites; and once I do find a group, players panicked and we wiped; and randoms would begin to get restless and agitated.

It was different from months ago when I was posting: "Swordbearer here. I will kill Crota HM in 2 swords - no bubble needed."

And I would get numerous invites, to the point that I was asking people to queue and I'd hop from one group to the next so I can help them get their Crota kills.

The last straw for me was earlier today (from a random group) - the Fireteam leader (with GHorn) wanted to bumrush Skolas with rockets. I explained the tactics to him, where to position himself, when/where to bubble and so on (so that he does not teleport to us).

We kept failing because our third member (also with GHorn) kept dying - Skolas melee'd him, Skolas shot him when he forgot to jump, or he shot himself with his own Gjallarhorn.

After several wipes, the Fireteam leader decided to kick me from the group because he just wanted someone with a Gjallarhorn to help. It did not matter that I was the only one who was not dying, nor that I was the only one who knew the fight.

It did not matter that the fight was doable with 2 GHorn/1 HoC (as long as no one died, and our third teammate kept dying).

All that mattered was one weapon which I did not have.

And with that, I just decided Destiny's new expansion was not worth it anymore.

I felt that, even though some players are more than willing to learn, majority of the player base are unable to grasp the actual strategy in favor of "doing it fast now".

Maybe next week, with a different modifier, that mentality would change.

As for me - I'm simply leaving this as a guide when that scenario does happen, hoping that this here can help out anyone who will have problems with this encounter in the future.

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