Psychopaths Can’t Be Sadistic—Sadism Requires Empathy?

Psychopaths are chaotic shapeshifters- they shift their entire selves after learning about their prey/supply. in the case of my ex boyfriend- after learning that I was naive and highly empathetic/ would help anyone in need- he shaped himself as a sad depressed boy who would always self harm and 'needed help'. Threatened suicide when I tried to break up with him etc. However I noticed when i started being more cold after being in that kind of relationship he shifted again- this time very sadistic. So I believe psychopaths they are not inherently sadistic. they have no real true 'self' so they shape-shift into whatever they need to gain control of their supply. They're psyche is simply trapped in a constant state of chaos and confusion- so they project their chaos onto others and that can come out in different ways depending on the supply. most lie to themselves feed themselves empty promises such as 'if i hurt him/her i will feel something' they are desperate to feel. to feel anything. of course this is an empty promise and they gain nothing. the supply only depletes. these people are energy vampires for themselves and their supply. a blackhole.

/r/Psychopathy Thread