Would a psychopath force a dangerous journey.

Norfolk VA 2019, Blacks represent 94% of shooting suspects

NYC 2017, Non-Whites committed 93.1% of the murders

LA 2017, 96% of murder suspects Non-White

New Orleans, 60% Black, 99% Homicides & Shootings

Nashville 2016, 28% black, 71% of Cleared Homicide

St. Louis 2017, 100% of Murder Suspects Black

Milwaukee 2016: 37% White, Blacks Responsible for 90% of Homicides/93% of Shootings

Raleigh 2015-2017, 29% Black, 94% of Gun Violence

King County, 85% of Firearm Violence Non-White

Louisville, Kentucky 2017 (71% White), Blacks are 82% of Arrests for Homicide

21% of new homeless families in Dublin were non-EU citizens

Non-white people make up 70% of New Zealand prison pop.

10 year study on gun violence proves it

Netherlands: 90% of refugees are still unemployed after 2.5 years

The importing of mental, physical and social disorder to the West. Multiculturalism is setting human progress back through imported inbreeding. (Stats)

UK Immigrant Crime

US Child Molestation/Abuse Stats

Confirmed Hate-Crime Hoaxes By Minorities

Black People In Canada Dominate Crime

US Immigrants Cost 7 Times More Than Cancer

US Immigrants On Welfare Cost 30-86% More Than Locals

Dear Black People

Black on white rape 2003-2008

Gunfire hospitalization rate for black teenagers (15-19) is 13x higher than the rate for whites

67% Of Hispanic Immigrants Are Functionally Illiterate - Most Still Can't Speak English Even After 15 Years

US Census Data 2009-2012 - Welfare

Canada and the Multicultural Welfare State

Black males abandon White females they impregnate at a rate of 92% - Hispanics do not marry the women they impregnate

FBI 2016 Crime Stats have been released: All graphs show blacks overwhelmingly commit the most crime in the United States.

African and middle-Eastern immigrants in Germany commit crime 10-40 times the locals

82 per cent of people in Sweden sent to prison for gang rape are foreign born

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