PU answers to the stream-sniping drama

To be honest though we seem to be switching what we are argueing about constantly.

Even if they can't prove the accused were watching the targets broadcast while the game was ongoing they are claiming they have proof of the accused intentionally joining the targets lobby while the accused denies doing that.

There's really only 2 stances here and the drama would be done with if we'd just stick to those.

  1. You don't think stream sniping is/should be a bannable offense.

A lot of people argue this point, which is fair. For this case it doesn't matter if the guy did it or not, everything that happened after the banning is irrelevant. The "While we understand we cannot prove that this player was watching the target's broadcast" is completely irrelevant for this point since stream sniping should be allowed.

  1. Either the accused or the devs are lying to us(the community).

The devs claim to have data showing that the accused was quitting and joining lobbies to enter the same lobby as the streamer while the accused clearly stated in their post starting the whole thing that they had absolutely no idea they were in the same lobby as the streamer until they saw the kill feed.

So either the devs are lying about the proof or the accused are lying about not intentionally getting in the same game as the streamer. If the accused lied to the community about not intentionally getting in the same game as the streamer and basically starting the whole drama based on a lie i don't think the argument coming up now saying there is no proof that the accused used the information to gain an unfair advantage is relevant or a fair argument. You could argue that in the broader sense you can never tell why someone joins his favourite streamers lobby but you would basically just be back to stance #1.

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